From time to time we all experience sadness or unhappier thoughts and feelings that we need a lift from. This special recording allows each of us to create special states of happiness from inside and make use of them on automatic and unconscious levels to help us lift our mood and raise our spirits.
Carry a special umbrella of good memories inside yourself to chase those heavy clouds and feelings away. Each of us has a DYNAMIC tendency to survive and to regenerate our bodies and our spirits as we need to, this recording is a tool that can assist in that process on a level of happiness and peaceful thinking.
Use this only when you are ready– willing- and open to allowing your unconscious mind to help you
create more happiness from within
Full Set Includes all this:
Section #1 is entitled "How To Use a Hypnosis Recording." It will explain what to expect from the process of using a self hypnotic audio recording .
Section # 2 is a Guided Exploration of your desired change. It takes the place of a LIVE OFFICE VISIT and will help you set up your change for MAXIMUM EFFECT from the hypnotic audio recording . Here you answer some simple questions, and participate in some basic visualizations that will set your change into motion and help guarantee your success. Be ready to ask yourself WHAT you need to do to improve your performance. This combines, NLP, Generative thinking and other techniques to help you set your change into motion.
Section #3 and Section # 4 are unique individual trance sessions which will allow you to access the powerful unconscious portion of your mind, to TRANCE-form your old behaviors into new and more productive thoughts, feelings attitudes and ideas. In the traditional recording, you hear one voice helping you to implement your attitude changes and create EXACTLY the Dental experience that you desire!
Our recordings feature the power of Double Induction Hypno-Stereo and are an experience of comfort and expanded awareness like few others. In the Double Induction Segment, Two metaphoric stories surround you in simultaneous relaxation, while your inner mind experiences "Generative Thinking" through these fairy tale like metaphors!